Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Greetings dear friends,

Lately I've been wondering: "What makes a good friend?" 
I've had a lot of people throughout my years who I have entrusted personal information into only to have them expel it to the rest of my peers. I've also had those friends who are all sugar, spice and everything nice until you stop giving them exactly what they want then they snap on you like a slap to the face. Yes, there are so many different types of friends out there. It's just hard to decide whether or not they really are your friend. But throughout time you will discover everyones true colours and flaws. Sometimes flaws are good, quirky little features that make the person who they are. But other times flaws are nasty little bugs that you find in peoples teeth (bad and yucky). Unfortunately, over my years I've found a vast amount of my friends to have these bugs stuck in their teeth, some of them more noticeable than others... You can try as hard as possible to ignore the fact that they're there but sometimes they just sit there smiling right back at you. You can try to change or remove these bugs but most people don't like it when you touch their teeth. No, it's a cruel world and you must learn to accept the fact that sometimes people just aren't what they seem and there's nothing you can do to change it. The only thing that you can change is yourself. And that doesn't mean that you have to go put a tarantula in your mouth; you just have to learn how to deal with these little flaws a bit better. 
I think a good friend is someone who you always have chemistry with; you don't want a boring friendship, there should always be a spark to it. You can share things, get advice, have fun, respect one another and most importantly you must know how to live life to the fullest by appreciating every moment that you spend together.

And I for one understand the rough times of change... Small city to big city I'm making it work! I constantly find myself spacing out while listening to this song because it's just so relative to my life. It's seriously the most beautiful song of my life. And it doesn't hurt that it's by such beautiful and kind people. Stars are such an inspiration. "I am the photographer." 

keep it real and friendly!
much love.
xx. julie

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