Sunday, February 3, 2013

Friends who don't know who you are or what you do,

Hi, I've been trying to reach you... But we've never met. We don't know each other. We're just in this cyberspace trying to find our place. Where do we fit in? What do we actually know? Where is the truth? Where are the lies? Within who may we really confide? But alas, the world is crazy... We need to be on here to escape it daily. But it's a joke really because we all lose ourselves somewhere along the way. But somehow we still manage to pick it all up and get away. So ask yourself where your real reality lies before we ascend to the skies.

Yoooo homies, I'm dead tired and have no idea what I just wrote... But I'm sure it still has some sort of meaning behind it.

much love. 
xx. julie

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


In the story of life no one ever promised it to run smoothly, they just said it would run... Not in any specific direction, speed or tolerance; just run. Now, this may come to a sort of concern for the plan-makers, over-achievers and total keeners of the world who always expect everything to be perfect, but if everything were perfect then what would be the purpose behind life; where would we learn to grow from our mistakes, tribal from our fears, move on from what once was and discover ourselves? Friends, as brutal as it may sound life is full of shit and we must learn to accept it and deal with it. 

Now, I know that you are eager to hear a story to follow behind my elaborate and cynical introduction to this entry but the truth is it's just another sappy love story, sorry friends...

Several years ago I made a friend off of FaceBook and we became quite close, we met over a mutual friends status and it was an insta-friendship. After a bit of talking we realized that we both had shockingly similar musical tastes and hence formed our unbreakable music bond. We would just send each other music back and forth and listen to what we each sent and fall in love all over again. Music really does bring people together. We eventually met and drove around aimlessly in Vancouver Stanley Park and got lost numerous times, but that was all part of the journey. 7 months later I moved to Vancouver and we went for a hike and climbed to the top of a mountain where we decided to yell out all of our rage at the top of our lungs to gain back some sanity over life, it was refreshing, I also befriended a caterpillar. Unfortunately, like most things in life, we found our fork in the road and both diverged onto two separate paths in love. It was never bad, just not what was expected to happen to us. Later on in the year we went to my favourite concert and just fell in love with the music, it didn't matter where we were each headed in our lives, we could still share the music together. There was another concert followed by a sorrowful good-bye... And now, I am back home. See, life is never meant to run smoothly, but it still runs. The memories we made together may not have been the ones that we were expecting but they are still extremely memorable and careless and I wouldn't change them for the world.

I hope you can understand and learn to accept how life works. :)

much love
xx. julie